If you are buying from a professional builder, you must pay I.V.A. and a tax paid for the deed, (the A.J.D.) The AJD ranges from 1.2 to 3% in different cases in Asturias, Cantabria and Basque Country.
I.V.A. is 21% of the purchase price at the time of writing but only 10% for houses with up to two garages.
If you are buying from a non professional builder, or a professional who is selling his own property, at the time of purchase the buyer must pay I.T.P. instead of I.V.A.
The I.T.P rates to be paid by the purchaser are:
.-In Asturias:
8% for purchases up to 300.000 €
9% for purchases over 300.000 € and under 500.000 €
10% for all purchases over 500.000 €
There are special rates for very specific purchases, for example subsidised flats
.-In Cantabria:
10% is the I.T.P general rate to be paid by the buyer.
8% for the purchase of the house which is going to be the habitual residence of the buyer and is under 120.000 €
9% for the purchase of the habitual residence if the cost is under 200.000 €
5% for the purchase of the habitual residence if the buyer is:
Less than 30 years old
Disabled ( over 33% disability. If over 65 % the rate is reduced to 4%. Disability rate must always be
officially certified)
Familia numerosa
Subsidied flats
There are more specific rates for very special purchases.
.-Basque Country:
7% Is the general rate
4% For the purchase of residences with up to two garages
2,5% For the purchase of the house which is going to be the habitual residence of the buyer and
Is less that 120 meters of built surface if a flat and less that 120 built and 300 surface
plot if a house or the purchaser is a member of a “familia numerosa”
No A.J.D. is charged when I.T.P. is charged.
There is another tax to be paid to the council, based on urban land whether it’s built on or not, which is called I.I.V.T.N.U or “plusvalia”. This tax ought to be paid by the seller, but it is usual to charge it to the buyer as part of the purchase agreement, a matter that you should be aware of as plusvalia can be quite high.
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